Meet the founder


Amaya (aka Zelena Garcia) is a spiritual guide, Vedic astrologer, yoga and meditation teacher and founder of Sweetwater Healing Center in Agua Dulce, California. Throughout her life she’s had the fortune to train with top teachers and masters who have inspired her to follow her passion for teaching and sharing powerful life tools with others. She's been practicing yoga for over 15 years. At the beginning of her yoga journey her practice was limited to the physical aspect of it. Like many, she thought the goal of yoga was to improve flexibility and master a few poses. As she became a student of yoga she realized she had been skimming the surface of the ocean of knowledge that yoga is. As she has learned from her Guru Anand Mehrotra, yoga is a way of life that goes beyond the mat and includes and infuses all areas and aspects of life. We practice Yoga, we experience Yoga, we are Yoga.

"At that time in my life it looked like I had it all - success, material possessions, professional tittles, but I came home every day feeling empty and unfulfilled. Through my consistent practice of yoga I've seen incredible transformation in my life. I now feel centered, aligned, more in control of my thoughts and emotions, energized and full of life."

Amaya’s interest in personal development started in her late twenties. She decided to attend Mastery University and dedicate a year to study with top life strategist Tony Robbins. That year she learned invaluable tools to improve all areas of life. Later these strategies became the foundation of her life coaching practice when she completed her training with Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention Life Coaching program.

In 2017 Amaya travel to Greece and trained to be a Kundalini Yoga teacher with world-renowned yogi/musician Maya Fiennes. That year she continued her studies and became a Soundbath and Yoga Nidra certified practitioner.

In September of 2019 she decided to go to India for three months and study with Vedic and Himalayan Master Anand Mehrotra, founder of Sattva Yoga. There she learned a wide range of techniques rooted in the Vedantic and Tantric traditions of the ancient Masters of the Himalayas. Amaya now teaches this integrated, holistic and deeply transformative practice privately and at Sweetwater Healing Center.





Sattva Yoga

Sweetwater Healing Center shares the integrated, holistic and deeply transformative practice of Sattva Yoga, which has its roots in the timeless Vedantic and Tantric Traditions of the Himalayan Masters and it is one of the most comprehensive approaches to yoga in the world today.

A class / private session / retreat / workshop at Sweetwater Healing Center will introduce you to the following teachings:

  • Pranayama - the art of breathing (powerful breathwork techniques to refine the nervous system and have access to more energy)

  • Hatha Asana - the art of moving (static and dynamic postures as well as vinyasa flows to achieve balance and harmony in the physical body)

  • Kriyas - the art of Kundalini (coming from the Himalayan Tantric tradition. Techniques to tune in into the subtle energy current within our bodies)

  • Naad - the art of sound (using mantra, music and chanting to move, heal and shift energy)

  • Meditation - the art of silence (all different techniques of meditation to connect with the field of stillness)

  • Freedom movement - the art of flow (Laya movements to awaken the divine feminine energy. Includes Chi movements and ecstatic dance)

These teachings/practices are designed to open the mind and heart to the sheer brilliance of life so we can show up fully present to every moment with a strong spine and a soft heart.