

Jyotish is the language that opens the conversation between you and the cosmos.
— Amaya

Jyotish (commonly known as Vedic Astrology) literally means “the light of the Divine” and is also referred to as “the eye of the Vedas”. As a sister science to Yoga and Ayurveda, Jyotish is a great tool to help navigate and help propel the evolutionary journey of the individual. 

For each one of us there was a specific cosmic design at the time of our first breath; Jyotish recognizes that uniqueness and translates that singular cosmic pattern to the blueprint of our soul’s journey, shining light into our own unique talents, gifts, purpose and opportunities. Jyotish can help us evaluate our strengths and challenges in order to access our full potential. By understanding the different seasons in our lives Jyotish can help us make more evolutionary choices, giving us the confidence to utilize this incarnation in the most appropriate manner and to live a life of great fulfillment and realization.

Jyotish is the study of the soul and the soul’s journey .


$222 USD | 90 min via Zoom 

During this initial session, together we will discover milestones of your life, where you have been, where you are now, and where you have the potential to go. Truly focusing on your highest potential as designed by the planetary alignment.



$333 USD | Jyotish reading & Upaya’s video

The perfect companion to your Jyotish reading is the Upayas, or recommendations to best support your journey forward. In addition to your Jyotish reading you will receive a video with your own personal practice which will include: pranayama/kriya, asana, and meditation practice. As a bonus you will receive a mantra practice (Japa), to enhance a specific planetary energy.



$108 USD | 60 min via Zoom

If you’ve had an initial Jyotish Session with me, then schedule your next sessions here. Updates are a fabulous way to dive deeper into your chart, your current situation, and the energies supporting you now.




Zelena is an extremely shining person with an incredible vision. She is very intuitive, sensitive and empathetic. Her Jyotish reading was spot on and gave me practical, helpful assistance for my daily life. I learned a lot about myself. It was exciting and instructive to hear so much about myself, which I partly knew already, but could not put in an outside view or order. That way I could easily accept, sort it and learn from it. She also teached me new things and new ways, in a lovely, caring, wonderful way. Thank you Zelena for this helpful tool, for your patience and for being a shining spiritual woman in a world where it is needed so much. Love Christina
— Christina Dall Agnola
Deeply grateful for you, Amaya, and for the beautiful and so revealing Jyotish Reading! 
I´ve had different readings in the past 3 years and this one was so beautifully unexpected.  
It helped me realize some parts of my nature, and most importantly, accept to give them the patience, space and attention they need in the present moment. 
Thank you for making the reading so understanding that the cosmos was easily integrated into this human life experience. 
Thank you for your sweetness, for sharing your wisdom and for being such a clear and perfect channel between the science of Jyotish and my soul. 
I cannot wait to have another reading with you! Thank you galaxies!
— Jessica Brull 

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